CAS Number 64-17-5 | Ethyl Alcohol

CAS RN | 64-17-5 | Ethyl Alcohol

Ethyl Alcohol
Spectrum Chemical manufactures and distributes fine chemicals with quality you can count on including those with CAS number 64-17-5, Whether you call it Ethyl Alcohol, Absolute Ethyl Alcohol , Grain Alcohol , Anhydrous Ethanol , Ethanol or Ethyl Alcohol you can be assured the Ethyl Alcohol products offered by Spectrum, meet or exceed the grade requirements or specifications for each individual product.
Molecular Formula Molecular Weight CAS Number
C2H5OH 46.07 64-17-5

Solubility Very soluble in water
Reactivity It can react vigorously, violently or explosively with oxidizers When Ethanol comes in contact with Platinum or Sodium, it liberates flammable hydrogen gas It can react vigorously or explosively with acid hydrides or acid chlorides It reacts with alkali metals to liberate flammable hydrogen gas It reacts with acetyl bromide to evolve hydrogen bromide It reacts with ammona + silver nitrate to form silver nitride and silver fulminate Ethyl alcohol can react with freshly cut/etched/scratched aluminum with the evolution of heat and release of hydrogen gas. The Ethyl alcohol has to be on the aluminum surface as it is being cut/scratched/etched

Catalog SDS Pricing

Alcohol, 190 Proof, USP

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Dehydrated Alcohol, 200 Proof, Undenatured, USP

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